Celebrate Big


Celebrate Big

We believe in worshiping God together in big gatherings through music, Scripture, teaching, prayer and communion.

Reminding ourselves we are not alone in our spiritual walk with Jesus is key to helping us stay motivated in tough times and gives us a community to celebrate with in good times. Wherever we are at in our spiritual journey and however we may be feeling today, we are called to gather together in large groups to glorify God.

We believe in worshiping God together in big gatherings through music, Scripture, teaching, prayer and communion.

Reminding ourselves we are not alone in our spiritual walk with Jesus is key to helping us stay motivated in tough times and gives us a community to celebrate with in good times. Wherever we are at in our spiritual journey and however we may be feeling today, we are called to gather together in large groups to glorify God.


Meet Crossbridge

Our monthly meeting allows people to decide if Crossbridge is the church they want to gather with regularly. You have an opportunity to meet our leadership team, hear about our vision & mission and ask your questions in a safe and welcoming environment.

Commit to attend church regularly

We don’t ask you to come to church because you should or because you’ve been told you have to. We encourage regular attendance because we believe it offers life-giving opportunities for you to be a part of the body of Christ- to use your gifting and be ministered to through others’ giftings. Intentionally choosing to put ourselves in an experience where God can encounter us and change us is a step of faith we can take weekly.

Get Baptized

Our faith in Jesus is meant to be shared. Baptism is a step where you get to go public with your faith in Jesus and declare his lordship in your life. If you have not been baptized since professing faith in Jesus, baptism is an awesome next step you can take.

Child Dedication

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to know and love Jesus. Our child dedication ceremony gives parents and Crossbridge the opportunity to commit to raising your child to know Jesus together. We’d love to be a voice in your child’s life helping them take steps of faith towards Jesus and helping you create a Christ centered home.

Partner With Us

Go all in! Commit to being part of Crossbridge’s family through our Partnership Program. 

More information coming soon!