Our Values

Learn the six values that reflect our priority to reach people with the Gospel.

Unashamedly Biblical

We believe the Bible is the inerrant, inspired, and authoritative Word of God. It is the source of Truth in our lives and the foundation upon which we take steps of faith. This is why we encourage every follower of Jesus to read the Bible individually and in community. We believe if the Bible talks about a topic, we should too! Our value of being “Unashamedly Biblical” is rooted in Romans 1, Hebrews 4, & 2 Timothy 3.

If you don’t have a Bible and want one? We would love to send you one.

Holy Spirit Empowered

We believe following Jesus is rooted in and lived out through the power of the Holy Spirit. He lives in, convicts, and empowers us with supernatural gifts to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven just like Jesus did. This is why we practice the disciplines of Jesus (contemplative prayer, fasting, silence, solitude, Sabbath, etc.) knowing his filling was fueled by his relationship with the Father. Our empowerment comes from the same place.
This is also why we pray expectantly for miracles (without an agenda), dedicate time to worshiping God, and slow down to hear His voice.
Our value of being “Holy Spirit Empowered” is rooted in John 14, Acts 2 & 10, Romans 8 & 12, 1 Corinthians 12, James 5 & Ephesians 1.

Intentionally Relevant

We believe the Bible, and all of Jesus’ teachings, are relevant and applicable to us today. Jesus himself took ancient scriptures and applied them to everyday life so anyone searching could understand, while calling those who knew the scriptures to live them out.
This is why we're okay with hard questions and preach/teach topically and exegetically (critically working through entire passages and books). We don’t hide from the world or behind the Bible. Instead we want to stand like Jesus, loving the world and never compromising Truth.
Our value of being “Intentionally Relevant” is rooted in Matthew 5-7 & 1 Corinthians 9.

Relationally Transparent

We believe God is a relational God; with himself (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) & with humanity. Jesus lived out transparency in his family & spiritual communities. He lived a life free of secrets, shame, and baggage while still pressing into healthy relationships and calling each person to a deeper life of freedom through confession and repentance.
We know life is messy, before and after choosing to follow Jesus, so we choose to extend the grace we’ve been given. Our sin, secrets, and shame make us pull back and believe the lie “our garbage is too dark and unforgivable.” The Holy Spirit calls us into community to remind us we are loved, forgiven, and seen.
This is why we prioritize life lived in healthy community. Whether in small groups, CByouth, CBkids, or smaller discipleship relationships, we can openly admit our brokenness without fear of judgment or minimizing the impact these sins have had on our life.
Our value of being “Relationally Transparent” is rooted in Proverbs 27:17, Romans 8, & Hebrews 10.

Family Focused

We believe God cares about families, both biological and chosen. Jesus was born into a biological family while continuing to redefine family as anyone who does the will of his Father. Jesus’s family is bigger than any of us could imagine.
This is why we try to live out Jesus’s ministry of inviting anyone regardless of age, race, gender, or social status to do the will of God and be part of His Family. No people group should be excluded and we should always be adding seats to the family table for communion.
All families are messy, so our desire is to love people well by restoring broken relationships, handling conflict Biblically, and celebrating & mourning together. Our faith journeys are not walked alone, but in community… as family.
Our value of “Family Focus” is rooted in John 1, Romans 8, Galatians 3, & Matthew 12 & 18.

On Mission

We believe God commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, starting locally and sending globally. Jesus didn’t just die for us, he died for every person created in his image around the world. This is why we believe every follower of Jesus is called to make disciples wherever they are and wherever they are going. Whether in our homes, schools, workplaces, community or to the nations around the world we are all on mission for Jesus.
We will continue to train and support, through prayer, finances, and sending teams, what God is doing around us and around the world.
Our value of “On Mission” is rooted in Matthew 28 & Revelation 7.