How to Grow Spiritually in 2024

As we embark on a new year, I find myself reflecting on the journey of spiritual growth and the questions that guide my path. Instead of focusing solely on what I can accomplish, I've shifted my perspective to two fundamental questions that shape my walk with God: How can I grow in my love for God? And how can I grow in my love for people?

The Measuring Stick

The analogy of a measuring stick has become a powerful image in my contemplation. Much like the unfolding of a measure stick, my love has evolved over the years. I've been married for 7,485 days, and every "I love you" has taken on a unique form. Love in a healthy marriage grows, expands, and adapts to new challenges.

But often, we treat love as if it's a finite resource, something to be managed cautiously. We give it to those we believe deserve it and withhold it from those deemed less deserving. This mindset impacts our understanding of God's love for us, falsely suggesting that His love is also limited.

The Unconditional Love of God

Delving into the message of 1 John, Pastor Jimmy underscores the limitless nature of God's love. Jesus, as the embodiment of love, lived a messy life, reaching out to the hopeless, inviting the outcast, and healing the broken. Love, devoid of limits, becomes the measuring stick for spiritual maturity.

Balancing Knowledge and Love

Knowledge, while important, must be balanced with love. The Apostle Paul warns in 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 that knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. Our pursuit of knowledge should be accompanied by a humble, loving attitude towards others.

The Cross as the Ultimate Measure

Jesus, as the human embodiment of love, lived a life that was messy, filled with moments of reaching out to the hopeless, inviting the outcast, and healing the broken. His love was not always reciprocated, yet He remained unrushed and attentive to each person in front of Him.

The message is clear – if we claim to know God and follow Jesus, our lives should be marked by love. In fact, John emphasizes that anyone who does not love does not know God. Love becomes the measuring stick of our spiritual maturity.

To measure our love, we hold our lives up next to Jesus, who demonstrated His love through the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Philippians 2:3-5 instructs us to be humble, thinking of others as better than ourselves and taking an interest in them.

Guiding Questions for Love

As we navigate the complexities of life, two questions from David Brenner's "Soulful Spirituality" provide guidance:

  1. Am I fully present or distracted?
  2. Am I open or closed to being changed? 

Being fully present with others and remaining open to change are essential elements of love. Jesus exemplified these qualities, offering undivided attention and listening even to those who disagreed with Him.

As we journey through 2024, let's remember that success isn't solely measured by accomplishments but by our growth in love for God and people. Let this be the year we prioritize love, understanding that it's a continuous journey marked by humility, presence, and openness to change.

May we all grow in love, reflecting the image of Jesus more each day.
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